Major players across chemical and electric utility sectors share TCFD implementation experience

今天, through collaboration with the 正规博彩十大网站 (WBCSD), 在两份具有里程碑意义的报告中,化工和电力行业的11家领先公司对与气候相关的财务披露进行了深入研究.

发表: 2019年7月16日
类型: 新闻

瑞士日内瓦 2019年7月16日: 作为气候相关财务披露工作组(TCFD)化学品和电力公用事业编制者论坛的一部分, 阿克苏诺贝尔公司, 巴斯夫, 需求侧管理, 索尔维, 住友化学和中华电力, 法国电力公司, 电子数据处理, EnBW, 埃奈尔, Iberdrola分享了一些例子, 在以下方面的学习和思考:气候-related financial disclosure by chemical companies: implementing the TCFD recommendations 和“转型时期的信息披露:与气候相关的财务信息披露和电力公司的机遇分别.

这些报告,连同 其他TCFD编制者论坛, aim to help companies implement the TCFD’s recommendations on climate-related financial disclosure.

“TCFD是一个重要的催化剂,加速了应对气候变化的行动,并朝着一个正确重视和奖励可持续商业实践的金融体系的方向发展, 动员资本建设低碳世界, 通过部门实现, regulatory and capital market collaboration and engagement.WBCSD总裁兼首席执行官Peter Bakker说.

今天发布的报告强调了电力公用事业和化学部门如何实施TCFD建议, responding to climate-related risks and opportunities. The reports showcase examples of effective disclosure practice across governance, 策略, 风险管理, 指标和目标.


  • Illustrative climate-related financial metrics for electric utilities and chemical companies
  • 将与气候有关的风险和机会纳入企业风险管理和治理流程
    • An illustrative scenario analysis approach for chemical companies with specific insights relevant to the sector
    • 通过创新和投资组合开发实现对气候变化和能源转型的战略应对
    • Perspectives and insights from users including equity and credit analysts

基于TCFD石油的努力 & 气体, 电力公用事业和化学品准备论坛, WBCSD is now initiating TCFD Preparer Forums for companies involved in construction & 建筑材料:安赛乐米塔尔, CRH, LafargeHolcim, Lendlease, 圣戈班,斯堪斯卡和食物, 农业 & forest products: Mondi, Nestlé, Olam, Unilever, Stora Enso and Syngenta.

Statements of support from TCFD Preparer Forum members:

“The Preparer Forum provided valuable insights into the status, opportunities and challenges of the implementation of the TCFD recommendations. The findings shared through the report can support companies on their way towards TCFD-related reporting,”医生说。. 汉斯恩格尔, Vice Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors and 首席财务官, 巴斯夫 SE.

“CLP has long been a staunch supporter of climate action. 早在2007年,我们就成为首批发布气候正规博彩十大网站的公司之一,并将继续专注于在2050年之前逐步使我们的投资组合脱碳. 我们支持TCFD框架,因为它使像我们这样的公司能够在报告中创造透明度,并使包括投资者在内的所有利益相关者与我们的战略变化保持一致. This would help the industry as a whole move forward for a low carbon future,理查德·兰开斯特说, 首席执行官, 中电控股有限公司.

“金融部门正面临着做出投资决策的关键责任,这些决策将有助于实现并生活在+1中.5度的世界. As a company whose identity and 策略 is driven by this low carbon transition envisioned in the Paris Agreement, it is of vital importance to 法国电力公司 that financial players access consistent, 可比较和可靠的信息. This has been the ambition of the TCFD from its inception. 这项由水务署协调的集体倡议,是在我们的行业落实其建议的道路上迈出的重要一步. This is certainly key for the climate but also to drive a fair and mutually beneficial economic transition,泽维尔·吉尔说, 高级执行副总裁, 集团财务, 法国电力公司.

“电子数据处理, 这种情况已经持续了很多年, totally committed to a decarbonization 策略 which is an integral part of our vision for the sector. 我们欢迎这份报告,认为这是朝着企业气候战略透明度和可比性迈出的重要一步. 它让投资者, 以及其他利益相关者, a better understanding of the impact of climate change on the companies, not only its risks but also the huge opportunities ahead of us in order to achieve the Paris Agreement,米格尔·史迪威·德·安德拉德说, 首席财务官, 电子数据处理.

“气候 change is undisputed as one of the most significant risks for future generations. 企业面临的挑战是,它们是否为未来做好了准备,它们的商业模式在多大程度上经得起未来的考验. It is therefore in their interest to identify climate related risks as well as opportunities in time. TCFD的建议提高了公司监事会和执行董事会如何管理气候变化的高度透明度. 这不仅符合投资者的利益, 也符合所有利益相关者的利益,托马斯·库斯特尔说, 首席财务官, EnBW AG).

“我们的行业将继续通过增加所有部门的电气化来实现脱碳社会, 可再生能源发电的贡献更大, 存储系统的使用以及电网的数字化和为客户提供的创新服务:所有这些行动都使能源转型发生. This transformation is complex and to make sure we move forward at full speed, 商业环境必须清楚地向投资者和利益相关者解释这些必要的措施,让他们参与进来. 我们欢迎TCFD为加速这一变化所做的工作,弗朗西斯科·斯塔雷斯说, 首席执行官 & 总经理,埃奈尔.

“A decarbonized and more efficient energy model is critical if the Paris targets are to be achieved. 电力行业处于独特的地位,可以充分利用可再生能源带来的能源转型带来的机遇, smart grids and the wider electrification of the economy will be key. 对于Iberdrola, TCFD框架是一个有价值的工具,展示了我们如何在本组织的各个层面整合气候变化,并与降低风险和促进机遇的脱碳途径保持一致. TCFD的工作还为企业和气候相关信息的用户提供了一种有用的通用语言,卡洛斯·萨勒说, Senior Vice President 能源 Policies and 气候 Change, Iberdrola.

“需求侧管理 has for many years been very proactive in addressing climate change, 其中包括在三年前引入内部碳价,并制定基于科学的温室气体减排目标. 但与资本市场就这一主题进行明确沟通也是关键,因此帝斯曼是首批承诺实施TCFD建议的公司之一. 我们很高兴有机会参加《正规博彩十大网站》编制者论坛,因为这不能单独做好,我们支持这种合作产生的报告. 我们希望该报告和论坛对情景分析的关注能够启发我们的行业识别和管理气候风险和机遇,” said Geraldine Matchett, 首席财务官, Royal 需求侧管理.

”索尔维, we chose to commit to use the TCFD guidelines in June 2017, even though we didn't have all the answers at the time. This Chemical Preparer Forum makes it very practical for all chemical companies how to be TCFD compliant. I encourage all chemical companies to take advantage of the work performed, and companies from other sectors to prepare similar guidelines. 我希望它能推动金融市场更好地利用我们披露的信息来奖励可持续的业绩,卡里姆·哈贾尔说, 首席财务官, 索尔维.

“气候 Change is one of the most important challenges that our society is facing. The Sumitomo Chemical Group strives to actively provide solutions for climate mitigation and adaptation. 我们相信,TCFD的建议和行业指导报告将进一步鼓励化工行业通过有效披露气候相关风险和机遇,实现环境与经济增长的良性循环,新沼浩说, 董事兼高级行政总裁, 住友化学有限公司.

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